
Empowering clinicians through technology

About Melatech

Our mission is to transform healthcare through software built by clinicians, for clinicians.

With rising pressure on healthcare systems and increasing patient volumes, clinicians face challenges that impact their ability to provide high-quality care.
At Melatech, we develop efficient and user-friendly technological solutions that support clinicians and improve diagnostics through optimised workflows.
We are committed to designing solutions that enhance healthcare delivery and patient care.
With rising pressure on healthcare systems and increasing patient volumes, clinicians face challenges that impact their ability to provide high-quality care.
At Melatech, our goal is to create efficient and intuitive technological solutions that support clinicians and improve diagnostics through optimised workflows. We are committed to designing solutions that aim to improve the delivery of healthcare.
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Dermloop was one of the first recipients of a grant from BETA HEALTH®, the Danish National Innovation Platform of Future Healthcare.


Software for management of skin conditions
Dermloop addresses skin condition diagnostics and enhances clinical workflows for general practitioners, dermatologists, plastic surgeons and pathologists.
Patients referred from general practitioners to dermatologists face lengthy waiting times of multiple weeks - delays that Dermloop is designed to shorten significantly.
By integrating software and hardware solutions that enable precise capture and secure documentation of skin lesions, Dermloop facilitates faster and more efficient patient care.
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Patients referred from general practitioners to dermatologists face lengthy waiting times of multiple weeks - delays that Dermloop is designed to shorten significantly.
By integrating software and hardware solutions that enable precise capture and secure documentation of skin lesions, Dermloop facilitates faster and more efficient patient care.
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Dermkit is our digital dermoscope that enables the capture of high-quality images.
Its user-friendly design and connection with Dermloop makes it an essential tool for physicians aiming to deliver high-level dermatological care.
Its user-friendly design and connection with Dermloop makes it an essential tool for physicians aiming to deliver high-level dermatological care

Dermloop Learn

Dermloop Learn is an educational platform to help you become an expert diagnostician before seeing your first patient.

Free of charge

20.000+ real life anonymous skin lesions to practice on

Track your performance and learn where to improve

Scan QR code to download the app
How we can move away from chatbots and develop intentional second-layer interactions to boots the value of LLMs in practice
Big news! We’re launching SynTIA, a game-changing AI project set to revolutionize skin cancer diagnosis in telemedicine!
Dansk AI skal hjælpe hudlæger med hurtigere og mere sikker kræftdiagnose
Nordjylland vil tage læge-app i brug for at spotte hudkræft og bekæmpe ventetider
Movie from Accelerace on the clinician and patient perspective of Dermloop
App kan opdage kræft hurtigere – nu bredes den ud til hele Danmark
Two years on, Melatech’s trajectory showcases the impact of BETA. HEALTH’s ‘accelerator programme’!
Dermloop is part of Healtcare DENMARK's newest publication on Danish Healthtech Innovation
App til melanomer kan blive en gevinst for sundhedsvæsenet
Dermloop on the popular morning show "Go´morgen Danmark“
Dermloop at "Åbent Hospital" (EN: Open Hospital)
Ung læge bag lovende læringsportal: »Du skal være parat til at slå din idé ihjel«
Læge-app skal spotte hudkræft flere steder i landet
Læger kan blive eksperter i hud-og modermærkekræft med ny app
Sådan vil ung forsker revolutionere kampen mod hudkræft
Kunstig intelligens skal uddanne fremtidens læger
Private velhavere investerer millioner i digitalt sundhedsselskab
Partners and customers